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A-1    Area Association Membership Applications

          Adopted November 16, 1991, Amended November 21, 2015

          League membership applications which are sent to the area associations must be forwarded to the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer no later than seven (7) days after receipt. 

A-2    Area Association Invite Bowlers Outside Area

          Adopted November 2005

         The Area Associations may invite bowlers outside of their area however these bowlers shall have no vote outside of their own association.  To be an associate member you need to pay the entry fee, but have no vote. 

B-1    “Blind Bowler” Information about Tournaments

          Adopted May 26, 1991

          Information concerning all ABBA certified tournaments must be published in “The Blind Bowler.”  Information concerning non-certified tournaments, including prize lists, must not be pub published; however, dates and place of non-certified tournaments may be published in “The Blind Bowler in the Calendar of Events to promote blind bowling.

B-2    “Blind Bowler” Survey

          Adopted May 29, 1993

          Only one print copy of “The Blind Bowler” will be mailed to those                     

ABBA leagues that do not return “The Blind Bowler” survey to the          



B-3    “Blind Bowler” Minutes

          Adopted May 24, 1998

          The minutes of the ABBA Board of Directors and the Annual                

Convention shall not be published in the Blind Bowler.

B-4   “Blind Bowler” Editor Dates

          Adopted May 29, 2011; Amended November 17, 2012, November 19,


          Articles for each issue are due to the Editor by Sept. 15th, Dec. 15th, and March 15th. After review by the Public Relations Committee the Issue should be sent to the printer by the first of the following month. Barring delays from the printer all issues in all formats should be sent to the membership by the 15th of the corresponding month.

B-5     Bank Accounts and EIN

           Adopted November 21, 2015

           All ABBA member leagues covered by ABBA’s 501c3 umbrella and Host Committees must establish and maintain a bank account to track income and expenses. In addition, an EIN (Employer Identification Number) must be obtained through the IRS (Internal Revenue Service). These guidelines are part of IRS codes for 501c3 nonprofit organizations. Leagues can maintain the funds in their own account as long as separate records are maintained.

C-1     Checks Returned for Insufficient Funds

           Adopted May 29, 1993, Amended November 21, 2015.

           Any payments that are submitted to the ABBA that are returned for insufficient funds must be reissued along with any bank processing fees and a $25 ABBA returned check fee. Payment including fees must be verified by December 15th in order to compete in the Mail-O-Graphic Tournament and April 15th to compete in the National Championship Tournament.

           C-2           Complimentary Hotel Rooms

           Adopted May 25, 1986:  Amended May 29, 1994; May 26, 2002, May

         29, 2011; November 22, 2014

           The complimentary hotel rooms during the National Tournament shall be provided for the President, Secretary-Treasurer and theTournament Director.  Additional complimentary rooms will be paid by the general fund for the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer. The President shall also be entitled to a parlor. If any of the above people do not use their room for any reason, the comp room thus freed up shall be assigned at the discretion of the host committee, along with any additional complimentary rooms granted by the hotel.

C-3     Credentials for Board Meetings

           Adopted November 20, 1993

           Leagues must submit membership applications by November 10 to have their directors vote at th  e midyear board meeting.  All Directors must have proper credentials.

C-4    Compensation for Services to ABBA

           Adopted November 19, 2016

           The following positions; Secretary-Treasurer, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Tournament Director, Assistants to the Tournament Director, Web Master, Editor of the “Blind Bowler” and the Rail Manager may receive compensation for services rendered to ABBA. Compensation amounts are determined at the Midyear Board Meeting by the Board of Directors.

D-1     Debate on Motions

           Adopted: Nov. 22, 1997

           For all meetings of the Board of Directors and for the Annual Convention of the American Blind Bowling Association, unless extended by unanimous consent or by two-thirds vote of all persons present and voting, debate on all motions shall be limited to a twenty (20) minutes divided equally between those for and those against adoption, and no person may speak in debate more than a total of three minutes.

E-1      Eye Reports Required

           Adopted May 25, 1986:  Amended May 29, 1994

           The Rules Interpretation and Enforcement Committee shall evaluate visual status only after the league has made a decision and a written request for change in visual status has been received by the Committee.  ABBA requires a recent eye report for any person claiming a change in visual status during the bowling season from sighted to legally blind or from partially sighted to totally blind.

E-2      Executive Board 

           Adopted November 19,2016

           It is the policy of The American Blind Bowling Association that an “Executive Board” consists of the officers. The Executive Board is the governing body of the Association between meetings of the Board of Directors. The Executive Board shall:

           A.       Act for and on behalf of the ABBA Board of Directors in establishing temporary policies or procedures regulating any matter not fully covered by the ABBA by-laws. Temporary policies and procedures must be ratified by the Board of Directors at the next Board of Directors meeting to become permanent.

           B.        Shall meet as needed to carry out and enforce all of the objectives of the Association and shall direct the transaction of ABBA business which shall be consistent with the ABBA By-laws.


F-1      Free Matter Mailing

           Adopted May 26, 1991

           All award applications, membership applications, Mail-O-Graphic Tournament and National Tournament applications and year-end reports must be sent by first class mail. No free matter will be accepted.

F-2      Fund-raising Activities     

           Adopted November 20, 1993

           Only current and future host committees may offer items for sale at the midyear meeting or National Tournament.

F-3      Financial Reports From Member Leagues

           Adopted November 20, 2010; Amended November 19, 2011

           Any league affiliated with ABBA that is covered by the ABBA income tax exemption that obtains fund raising in excess of $5,000 in a fiscal year must send a copy of IRS Form 990 to the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer within the time limit set by the Secretary-Treasurer.

Any league that conducts raffles or other fund-raising activities in excess of $1,000 must submit a copy of the guidelines for these fund-raising activities to the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer. This applies to leagues covered under ABBA’s 501(c3) tax-exempt status but this requirement does not apply to league prize money.

F-4      Financial Institution Requirement

           Adopted November 22, 2014

           When possible, all funds of the American Blind Bowling Association must be kept in national association banks.


L-1      League Average Reports

           Adopted May 29, 1993:  Amended November 19, 1994,

           Amended November 22, 2009, Amended May 23, 2014; November    

          22, 2014

           The final league average reports and gold medal applications must be postmarked or emailed no later than June 15 or they will not be accepted as being submitted on time.

Any league secretary who does not file the league average report on time shall be subject to a penalty of $10. The ABBA Secretary-Treasurer would enforce this fine; if it is not paid, the secretary cannot become an ABBA member the following season until the fine is paid.

L-2      Leagues called Associations

           Adopted November 16, 1991

           ABBA will not call a league an association even though locally the bowlers use the term “association.”

L-3      League Prizes

           Adopted December 7, 1985

           The league treasurer must distribute all prizes within twenty-one (21) days after completion of the season unless the league has set a banquet date for prize distribution.

L-4      Local Tournament Financial Reports

           Adopted November 16, 1991

           The ABBA By-laws require that ABBA certified tournaments must furnish to the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer a financial report no later than forty-five (45) days after the tournament.  This report must show that all money collected for prizes is returned 100% to the prize winners. The expenditures from the tournament expense fees must be itemized. The amount designated as miscellaneous must not exceed $50.00. Funds not collected from tournament entrants need not be reported. Any profit from entry fees must be held in reserve for future tournaments.

If the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer finds the report unsatisfactory, the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the report must request in detail what corrections need to be made.  The certified tournament manager must respond within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the letter from the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer.  ABBA shall assist the managers of certified tournaments in preparing satisfactory financial reports.

M-1   Midyear Meeting Attendance

           Adopted November 19, 1988

           The chairperson of each committee shall take a roll call at the end of the committee report to determine who is present.  Committee members who are not present shall not be paid travel expenses.

M-2    Minutes of ABBA Meetings:

           Adopted November 20, 1993, Amended November 21, 2015.

           Minutes of ABBA meetings are available electronically upon request.

M-3    “Masters Tournament Management”

           Adopted November 23, 1996

           The Tournament Director or a person selected by the Tournament Director with the consent of the National Tournament Committee shall be in charge of the Masters Tournament.  This person must be at the lanes at least  thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled starting time for bowling, must be available throughout the tournament and must remain at the bowling center at least ten (10) minutes after all bowling is completed.  The person in charge shall be responsible for determining all substitutions and any changes in lane assignments. This person may not bowl in the Masters Tournament. The squad shall begin on time except in case of an emergency. Any delays in starting times must be announced on the public address system at the lanes no later the five (5) minutes after the scheduled starting time.

N-1     National Tournament Arrangements

           Adopted November 18, 1989

           Effective August 1 of the year prior to the next scheduled American Blind Bowling Association Championship Tournament the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer shall be the primary ABBA officer who shall make arrangements with hotel management for the November Board of Directors meeting and for the time of the Annual Convention and the ABBA Championship Tournament:  The Tournament Director shall be responsible for making arrangements with the management of the bowling center or centers which shall be used for the Tournament.  The Chairman of the National Tournament Committee shall be the official person representing ABBA dealing with the host committee. These three persons shall keep the ABBA President and each other informed as to the progress in planning.

N-2     National Tournament Rail Inventory

           Adopted November 19, 1994

           Each year prior to the host group receiving cases and guide rails an inventory is to be written and sent to the host group. Keys to all rail cases are to be sent to the host group prior to the shipping of the rails. The Tournament Director or one of the Tournament Director’s assistants is responsible for these duties. This shall continue without a time limit.

P-1     Payment Outside the United States

           Adopted May 29, 1993

           Any league or individual who is submitting fees for either membership or tournaments to the ABBA which is outside the United States must submit these fees in the form of a postal money order in US funds.

P-2     Personal Checks

           Adopted November 15, 1986

           All league membership checks to ABBA must be from a league account or from an account of a sponsoring organization, or payment may be made by a money order or certified check. ABBA will no longer accept personal checks for league memberships.

R-1     Refunds of Team Event Prize Fee

           Adopted May 26, 1991

           Any person who wishes to be placed on a four-person team in the National Tournament who cannot be placed on a team and who bowls the nine games for all events will receive a refund of the team event prize fee.

R-2     Renewal of League Membership

           Adopted May 29, 1994; Amended June 1, 2013

           In the absence of a league rule, regarding renewal of league membership, the league board of directors by a two-thirds (2/3) vote taken at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of the league bowling schedule may deny a bowler renewal of league membership. Except for persons expelled or suspended from ABBA membership, ABBA shall not interfere with a league’s right to determine who may bowl with the league.

R-3     Resolution/Policy Statement Deadline

           Adopted November 21, 1992; Amended May 29, 2011

For both the Annual Convention and all meetings of the Board of Directors, all resolutions to be considered under new business must be presented in writing to the President or to the Secretary-Treasurer prior to the scheduled starting time of the meeting.


Article V, Sec. 12 states management of ABBA is vested in the Board of Directors which may establish policy statements. Amendments must be presented in writing prior to a Board meeting; a majority vote is required to pass.

R-4     Rail Rental for Local Tournaments

           Adopted May 26, 2001

           The Area Association tournaments shall be given preference in securing the rental guide rails in the possession of the American Blind Bowling Association.  After the area associations have obtained the number of rails needed for their tournaments, preference shall be given to the tournaments that received the rental rails the previous bowling season.  Should there be a conflict; preference shall be given to the tournaments with the most number of previous tournaments certified by ABBA.  Next the rails may be rented by ABBA certified tournaments that did not rent the rails during the previous bowling season.  Finally, the rails may be rented to uncertified tournaments that did not rent the rails during the previous bowling season in the order the requests for renting the rails have been received by the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer. Local tournaments have the option to certify or not certify with ABBA.

R-5    Rail Prices

           Adopted November 2003; Amended November 2007

When new rails are sold, the full cost of shipping will be passed on to the buyers.



S-1      Smoking at Meetings

           Adopted November 20, 1993

           No smoking is permitted in the meeting room for all Board of Directors meetings and for the Annual Convention.

S-2      Suspended Bowlers

           Adopted May 28, 1989

           The names of all persons suspended from ABBA will appear in the back of the ABBA Average Book.

T-1     Time Limit for Standing Committee Reports

           Adopted November 15, 1986

           For all meetings of the ABBA and the Board of Directors, the report of the Tournament Committee shall be limited to Fifteen (15) minutes, and all other committee reports shall be limited to ten (10) minutes each. This time limit may be extended by unanimous consent or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all persons present and voting.

T-2     Time Limit of Host Committee Reports

           Adopted December 7, 1985

For the midyear meeting of the ABBA Board of Directors, the presentation of the current host committee shall be limited to one-half (1/2) hour and fifteen (15) minutes for discussion.  The host committee for the next year shall be limited to ten (10) minutes and five (5) minutes for discussion.


T-3     Tournament Rule Changes

           Adopted May 24, 1987

           All tournament rule changes must be presented in the exact wording that will appear in the printed set of tournament rules.

T-4     Travel Expenses

           Adopted May 24, 1987; Amended November 21, 1992; May 29, 1994;    November 19. 1994; May 27, 2001; November 19, 2005, May 24,

2009; November 19, 2011; June 1, 2013; November 22, 2014,
November 21, 2015; May 28, 2017.

All active Past Presidents and the following committee members will include: Finance Committee, Rules Interpretation & Enforcement Committee, Legislative Committee, Public Relations Committee and National Tournament Committee will receive compensation for the annual autumn meeting. All committee chairs and committee members who attend their committee meeting at the midyear meeting shall receive a flat rate of $200.


The National Tournament Committee chairperson, 2nd Vice-President. 1st Vice-President and President will each receive $200 and up to three nights compensated room. The National Secretary-Treasurer and National Tournament Director will each receive 100% allowable compensation. The ABBA Secretary-Treasurer and the Tournament Director are to be compensated for full allowable travel expenses plus $200, and the Assistant Secretary is to be paid full allowable travel expense plus $150 attending the ABBA National tournament and annual convention.




Organized:                         January 21, 1951

Incorporated:                April 22, 1953

Adopted:                       May 26, 1951

Revised Annually:         June 2022 (latest revision)



This organization shall be known as the American Blind Bowling Association, hereafter referred to as ABBA or the Association.



A.   To promote an interest in bowling activities among legally blind men and women in North America.

B.   To assist and supervise all member leagues and individual bowlers.

C.   To provide awards for outstanding achievement in membership competition.

D.   To promote, conduct and manage an annual championship blind bowling tournament.

E.   To promote blind bowling as an international sport.





      Any person at least 18 years of age on or before January 15th of the current season, who is legally blind competing in regularly scheduled games of American Ten Pins in a nationally certified league maintaining a record of individual averages and position standing may become an active member of ABBA.

      Legal blindness is defined as vision no better that 20/200, even with glasses, or a limited field of 20 degrees or less (1976 internal revenue code).  For the purpose of membership competition, a “totally blind” individual is one whose vision is of no value in bowling in that the individual cannot see the bowling pins, the lane, the channels or “gutters” beside the lane, the foul line or the location marks on the approach to the lane.

The league Board of Directors shall be responsible for determining the visual status of an individual bowler.  If this decision is thought to be unsatisfactory, a written appeal may be made by any member of the ABBA to the Rules Interpretation and Enforcement Committee.


      Any person at least 18 years of age on or before January 15th of the current season, who is not legally blind may become an auxiliary member of ABBA.  Applications for auxiliary membership must be made through ABBA and/or United States Bowling Congress (USBC) member leagues.  Auxiliary members may attend and vote at all Association meetings as authorized by these By-Laws.  They shall have the right to vote but shall not have the right to hold office, except for Secretary-Treasurer or Tournament Director.  All auxiliary members shall pay to ABBA annual membership fees.


      Associate membership must be considered by the Nominating Committee and may be granted by the Board of Directors to individuals in recognition of continuous outstanding service rendered the national organization.  Associate members need not be legally blind.  They shall have the privilege of sitting with the Board of Directors and shall enjoy full membership on the board with the power to vote, except for the admission of new associate members.  Sighted associate members shall be eligible to be elected Secretary-Treasurer or Tournament Director.  Associate members may be selected each year and shall be exempt from the payment of membership fees.  They shall serve through the first director’s meeting following each national tournament.  They must be a current member of ABBA.


      The outgoing President of the Association and not more than one other person, who has provided at least five years of service, may be considered for Life Membership by the Nominating Committee.  Life members shall serve on the Board of Directors and shall be exempt from the payment of membership fees.  Sighted life members shall be eligible to be elected Secretary-Treasurer or Tournament Director.

      The nominees must be current members of ABBA.


      The annual membership fee for each active and auxiliary member shall be determined by majority vote of the delegates at the annual convention for the period beginning August 1 and ending July 31 of the following year.  Only those persons whose membership applications and fees are received by ABBA prior to January 15, and who meet the requirements set forth in the tournament rules are eligible to compete in the ABBA championship tournament for the current season.


      Any person between the ages of 7 to 18 years of age who is legally blind or sighted, competing in the game of American Ten Pins in a regularly scheduled league, maintaining a true record of individual averages and position standings, may become a member of the ABBA junior division.  The ABBA may conduct tournaments and provide achievement awards for members of the junior division.  However, at no time shall the Association sponsor any tournament in which members of the junior division compete directly with adult ABBA members.





      The ABBA shall be a representative, legislative and executive body and shall have complete and final jurisdiction over all affiliated Area Associations, leagues, tournaments and individual members.  Its membership shall be composed of legally blind bowlers affiliated through member leagues and chartered Area Associations which are represented in ABBA by duly elected representatives and delegates.

     Except as set forth elsewhere in these by-laws, the Association shall be guided by the rules, regulations and procedures of the United States Bowling Congress (USBC).


      A.  The ABBA may recognize one central body in any city, state or geographical area where there are three or more leagues to be known as a bowling Association.  The Association shall be named after the area followed by the words, “of the American Blind Bowling Association.”

    B.  Creation of new area associations or changes in the boundaries of an existing area association will be made with the joint approval of a majority of the current area associations and the Secretary-Treasurer of ABBA.

    C.    All applications for membership must be filed with the Secretary-Treasurer of ABBA together with a certified copy of the Association by-laws, a list of the names and addresses of the officers and a list of member leagues.  These applications shall also state the date of organization.  The Area Association Secretary shall forward a copy of the Annual Convention and Board of Directors meeting minutes to the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer along with all other necessary reports.

      D.  Area Associations shall collect annual ABBA membership fees and they may collect annual Area Association fees at the discretion of each local Association.

      E.  Each Area Association may conduct an annual championship tournament.  Entry fees for these tournaments shall be left to the discretion of each Area Association.


      A league is defined as consisting of four or more teams or single leagues consisting of four or more individuals engaged in a pre-arranged schedule of match play and having a constitution and/or by-laws and rules. 

Two or three legally blind bowlers shall constitute a member league without the right to vote. This constitution and/or these by-laws and rules shall be updated at the beginning of each bowling season and shall be made available for inspection by the ABBA to settle any disputes that may arise in the league.  This constitution and/or these by-laws and rules must accompany any complaints that are referred to the Rules Interpretation and Enforcement Committee to be considered by the committee.  Any organized bowling league consisting of four or more legally blind members of ABBA may be certified by the Association provided all eligible legally blind and sighted individuals, including substitutes, are indeed members of the Association.  All ABBA member leagues must comply with USBC rules 1 through 18. Unless a league not certified by USBC prior to the start of the bowling season, by majority vote of the league membership, has made other provisions, USBC rules 1 through 18, 104 through 114 and 118 shall apply to league competition. All ABBA certified leagues that award cash prizes shall approve a prize list for the current season no later than the fifth week of the current season.

      A member league for the preceding season shall be regarded as temporarily certified after the start of its current schedule for the following periods:

Regular season league                                          30 days (counting first day of competition)               

Summer leagues                                          21 days (counting first day of competition)

  During this grace period the league will be eligible for all ABBA membership services, provided the league membership application, membership dues and related reports are postmarked on or before the expiration of the grace period. Leagues must submit membership applications within 30 days and/or by November 10 to be able to have their director vote at the midyear meeting.  Under the same conditions, any league not a member the previous season or a league which organized late in the season may apply for such temporary protection.  Membership shall remain valid for participation in ABBA tournaments until October 1 following the season in which membership fees were paid.


      All ABBA member leagues are required to submit a final report of individual averages and position standings to the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer, sent electronically or postmarked no later than June 15.  If the league season extends beyond May 31, the averages shall be reported as of May 31.  Additions and corrections to the listings in the printed ABBA average book must be made in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer sent electronically or postmarked prior to November 1 of the following bowling season to be used for handicapping in ABBA tournaments. Any league Secretary who fails to submit this final average report is liable for suspension from membership.


      The current membership for legally blind and sighted bowlers participating in ABBA summer leagues shall not expire until August 31.  New legally blind or sighted members who participate in ABBA summer leagues and who pay their membership fees after June 1 shall be entitled to all the benefits offered by ABBA. Their membership shall not expire until August 31 of the following year.


      A bowler who withdraws from a league without giving a satisfactory reason or who is expelled from a league for sufficient cause forfeits the right to league fees, prize money and other assets held by the league.  In addition, the bowler shall be liable for suspension from membership in ABBA.


      A tournament is defined as competition opened to bowlers from two or more leagues.  A tournament must be certified for participants to qualify for ABBA awards. All bowlers competing in an ABBA tournament must be current members of ABBA. Tournament membership applications must be obtained from the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer. Applications must be sent to the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer along with a copy of the tournament entry form and rules, sent electronically or postmarked no later than thirty (30) days prior to the opening date of the tournament.

      The tournament entry fee must be divided into three (3) parts: prize fee, bowling line fee, and tournament expense fee.  The entire prize fee of 100% must be returned to the bowlers to award the winners. The ratio of prize winners to entries must appear in the tournament rules. USBC Rules 1 through 18 shall apply to all ABBA member tournaments. ABBA tournament membership will not be granted to any organization which allows those to participate in the tournament who have been suspended from or refused membership in ABBA. Any ABBA tournament official or participant who knowingly permits a bowler to compete in the tournament who has been suspended from or refused membership in ABBA is liable for suspension from membership in the Association. This amendment shall become effective June 1, 1990.

      The tournament manager must send to the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer a list of prize winners and a financial report, sent electronically or postmarked no later than forty-five (45) days after the completion of the tournament.  The ABBA Secretary-Treasurer shall deny membership to any tournament that does not comply with the ABBA by-laws. Except for the ABBA Mail-O-Graph Tournament and one Mail-O-Graph Tournament annually sponsored by each of the ABBA Area Associations, Mail-O-Graph and Telephonic Tournaments will not be certified by ABBA.




      The officers of this Association shall be President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer and Tournament Director. These officers, associate members and life members together with one representative from each member league and Area Association and as many additional persons as may be determined by the delegates at the annual convention shall be known as the Board of Directors.



     The officers of the Association shall be elected by majority vote at the annual convention of the Association. The term of office for the President shall be two years or until a successor is elected beginning August 1. No individual may hold the office of President for more than one consecutive term. The term of office for the Vice-Presidents shall be two years beginning August 1. The term of office for the Secretary-Treasurer and Tournament Director shall be three years beginning August 1.

      League representatives shall serve for a term of one year beginning August 1.  Area Association representatives shall serve for a term of one year beginning the date determined by each Area Association.

      Any legally blind member of ABBA is eligible to hold office in the Association, and any sighted member is eligible to hold the office of Secretary-Treasurer or Tournament Director.


      Each member league and each certified Area Association shall elect a representative from its membership to serve as a member of the Board of Directors and also an alternate to serve in the absence of its representative.


      Vacancies occurring in any office shall be filled by an election held by the Board of Directors.  Such election shall remain in force until the end of the officer’s term.

      A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the 1st Vice- President.  The 2nd Vice-President shall then become 1st Vice-President and another 2nd Vice-President shall be elected.

      Vacancies occurring in the office of a league or Area Association representative shall be filled by the alternate and a new alternate shall be elected by the league or Area Association.  Such an election shall remain in force until the next regularly scheduled election held by the league or Area Association.


      The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association. The President shall:

A.       Preside at meetings of the Association and Board of Directors.

B.        Appoint the members of all committees unless otherwise stated in the motion ordering such committees to be named.

C.        Serve on all committees, except the Nominating Committee, in an advisory capacity without voting privilege.

D.       Co-sign checks or authorize the 1st Vice-President to co-sign checks for the withdrawal of all funds belonging to the Association.

E.        Perform such other duties as may pertain to the office of President.

F.        Submit a written report to the annual convention of the Association.

G.     The President is responsible for hosting at least two teleconference calls inviting all of the membership to attend.


The 1st Vice-President shall:

A.       In the absence of the President perform the duties of the President.

B.        In the event of the absence of the President or if authorized by the President co-sign checks for withdrawal of all funds belonging to the Association.

C.  Serve as a member of the Finance Committee.

D.  Perform such other duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.


The 2nd Vice-President shall:

A.       In the absence of both the President and the 1st Vice-President, perform the duties of the President.

B.        Serve as Chairperson of the Legislative Committee.

C.        Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.


      The Secretary-Treasurer shall be the chief administrative officer of the Association.  The fiscal year shall begin August 1 and end July 31 of the succeeding year.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall:

A.       Enforce the by-laws, rules and regulations of the Association.

B.        Keep a true record of all proceedings at the meetings of the Association and Board of Directors.

C.        Maintain a membership roster and such other records as may be determined by the Board of Directors.

D.       Conduct correspondence of the Association, including sending to leagues and Area Association, notice of meetings and minutes of the Board of Directors and the annual convention.

E.        Serve as an active member of the Rules Interpretation and Enforcement Committee and as a member of all other committees, except the Nominating Committee, in an advisory capacity without voting privilege.

F.        Receive any and all monies and other property paid or donated to the Association except where otherwise stated in the by-laws.

G.       Keep a correct account of all receipts and disbursements and publish an annual report to the Association.

H.       Deposit all monies received by the Association in a reliable bank or banks to the credit of, and in the name of, the ABBA.

I.         Draw all warrants for the payments of bills allowed by the Board of Directors.  The signature of the Secretary-Treasurer together with the signature of the President or 1st Vice-President shall be required for the withdrawal of all funds belonging to the Association with the exception of the Tournament Fund.

J.        Based on guidelines established by the Finance Committee, authorize the payment of bills of a general nature.

K.        Conduct the ABBA awards program.

L.        File statistical reports received from league secretaries and local tournament officials.

M.      Annually compile, publish and distribute a book containing the averages of ABBA members who competed in twenty-one (21) or more league games during the preceding bowling season.

N.       Annually compile, publish and distribute, to all leagues, Area Associations, Life Members that are active in blind bowling, Associate members and ABBA Officers a complete and current copy of the By-laws and Adopted Policy Statements. These shall be sent within ninety (90) days following the Annual Convention. Supplemental print or Braille copies will be sent on written request.

O.      File the annual incorporation document and fee with the State of Delaware, annual report form 990 with the Internal Revenue Service and fulfill any other requirements stipulated by government entities.

P.      The Secretary-Treasurer shall not be compensated at the end of his/her term until all the accounts are closed and transferred to the newly elected/incoming Secretary-Treasurer. In order to receive his/her last stipend, all assets must be turned over to the new/incoming Secretary-Treasurer within thirty (30) days in order to receive his/her last stipend. The amount of stipend reduction will be determined by the RIEC effective 8/01/2007. The last stipend must be issued and signed by the new/incoming Secretary-Treasurer and the President.


      The assistant Secretary shall be selected by the Secretary-Treasurer with the approval of the elected Association officers.  Expense allowance will be set in the same manner as for the Secretary-Treasurer.  The term of office shall be for one year beginning August 1.  The Secretary-Treasurer may delegate the duties and responsibilities of the Secretary-Treasurer’s office to an assistant Secretary whenever and wherever necessary.


      The fiscal year shall begin August 1 and end July 31 of the succeeding year. The Tournament Director shall:

A.       Serve as manager of all national tournaments authorized by the Association.

B.        Have charge of all correspondence pertaining to these tournaments, including application forms and announcements.

C.        Compile the tournament schedule and distribute this schedule and prize list to tournament participants.

D.       Receive any and all monies and other property paid or donated to the Association for national tournament purposes.

E.        Keep a correct account of all receipts and disbursements and publish such record in an annual report to the Association.

F.        Establish a tournament account in a reliable bank or banks to the credit of, and in the name of, the ABBA and deposit all monies received therein.

G.       Draw all warrants against the tournament account for the payment of bills allowed by the Board of Directors.  The signature of the Tournament Director together with the signature of the President or 1st Vice-President shall be required for the withdrawal of funds in the tournament account.

H.       Based on guidelines established by the Finance Committee, authorize the payment of bills of a general nature without requesting approval of the Board of Directors.

I.         Submit a written report concerning tournament activities at each regular meeting of the Board of Directors.

J.        Make on-site inspection trips to evaluate future national tournament bids, or alternatively appoint a member of the National Tournament Committee to perform this duty.

K.        Perform such other duties that may be required by the President or Board of Directors.


      The Tournament Director will be allowed a maximum of three assistants who shall be selected by the Tournament Director and approved by the National Tournament Committee at the mid-year meeting each year.  Priority must be given to legally blind individuals interested in serving in this capacity. One of the assistants shall be the National Tournament Statistician responsible for C and D below.  The term of office for these assistants shall be for one year without limit beginning on December 1.

      Their compensation and expense allowance will be determined annually by the national tournament committee and included in the budget of the Tournament Director.  Unless otherwise qualified, these assistants shall have no vote on the Board of Directors.  No member of the National Tournament Committee may vote for himself or herself to serve as an assistant to the Tournament Director.

The duties of these assistants shall be to assist the Tournament Director in:

A.       Preparing and printing the national tournament schedule.

B.        Operation of the tournament at the tournament site, including rescheduling substitutions and management.

C.        Compilation and verification of all national tournament scores.

D.       Issuance of a list of prize winners.

E.        Check in of teams and individuals at hotel or other site as determined for this procedure.

F.        Such other duties as may be deemed appropriate by the Tournament Director or national tournament committee.


      Management of this Association shall be vested in the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors shall:

A.       Act for and on behalf of the ABBA in setting up policies or procedures regulating any matter not fully covered by the by-laws.

B.        Carry out and enforce all of the objectives of the Association and shall direct the transaction of its business which shall be consistent with the current or established rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the ABBA.

C.        Approve an annual budget for all funds belonging to the Association based on the recommendations of the Finance Committee.

D.       Act upon proposed changes in tournament rules as presented by the tournament committee.

E.        Evaluate proposed by-law amendments presented by the legislative committee and make recommendations for or against adoption to the annual convention.

 F.       Have the authority to conduct a hearing for any officer or representative charged with nonfeasance, misfeasance, malfeasance or other conduct detrimental to the Association and shall be empowered to remove such person from office by majority vote upon proof of such charges.




      Each ABBA member league shall select one delegate and one alternate delegate from its legally blind membership for each four legally blind members and one delegate and one alternate delegate from its sighted membership for each four sighted members who paid ABBA membership fees through the league as of April 1st.  These delegates or their alternates together with the members of the Board of Directors shall have the right to vote at the annual convention of the Association.

       The ABBA Secretary-Treasurer shall send a credential form to all member league secretaries at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Convention. The league secretary shall complete the form by listing the name of the league representative and the names of the delegates who plan to attend the Annual convention. This credential form must be presented at the registration desk in order to receive the proper badges. Only those representatives and delegates who are properly registered shall be permitted to vote at the Annual Convention.      





      The committee consisting of the Chairman and two other past officers appointed by the President shall place in nomination the names of persons to be considered to election to office. The list of nominees must be presented to the Board of Directors prior to the annual convention. The committee is encouraged to nominate any legally blind member who is qualified and interested in holding an ABBA office.

      Any member or group of members may nominate at the annual convention any other eligible person for any or all offices to be filled at the annual convention.  This committee may also include in its list of nominees the name of the outgoing President and not more than one other person who has provided at least five years of service to the Association for election as life members.  Nominations for life member and associate member may not be presented from the floor of the convention or Board of Directors.  The Nominating Committee shall not meet at the midyear meeting usually conducted in November.



      This committee consists of the Tournament Director and four appointed members:  three for terms of three years each and one for a term of one year.  The President shall annually appoint one member to a three-year term and select one of the appointed members to serve as Chairperson for a one-year term beginning August 1st.

      A.  The committee shall receive from member organizations all bids for future national tournaments and shall acknowledge receipt of such bids in writing.  These bids must be submitted in writing with all necessary data, including name and address of hotel and bowling lanes selected special room rates and bowling fees.  These bids must be directed to the Chairperson of the National Tournament Committee during the six month period terminating on March 1st of the year in which the tournament in question is to be awarded.  If no satisfactory bids are received by March 1 the committee may then consider bids from both member and non-member organizations.

      The Chairperson or another committee member appointed by the Chairperson and the Tournament Director or another committee member appointed by the Tournament Director (if the committee deems appropriate) will visit the proposed host city to inspect the facilities offered and to obtain further pertinent information.  The committee shall then consider and evaluate all bids received and present its findings and recommendations to the Board of Directors and to the convention which is to choose the host city.  To facilitate the submission of bids, the committee shall establish a “code of information” which shall be available to all prospective tournament host committees upon request.

      B.  The committee shall evaluate all proposed changes in ABBA Mail-O-Graphic and National Tournament rules and shall submit all proposals for rule changes in writing with recommendations to the Board of Directors.  The committee shall determine the composition of the registration and entry fees prior to printing tournament entry applications.

      C.  The committee shall establish, or cause to be established, a prize list for each national tournament which shall be made known not later than the annual convention.

      D.  The committee shall act in an advisory capacity during the running of the tournament with the actual operation being charged to the Tournament Director.  The local tournament committee shall make such prior arrangements and shall make available such help and assistance as is stipulated in the “code of information.”

      E.  After the awarding of a national tournament, the committee shall receive periodic reports from the host organization to assure that the preparations are proceeding satisfactorily.  Such reports must be made at least every three months.



      This committee consists of the Secretary-Treasurer, Tournament Director and three appointed members for terms of three years each.  The President shall annually appoint one member and select one of the appointed members to serve as Chairperson for one year beginning Aug. 1.

      A.  The committee shall be empowered to resolve all ambiguities or doubtful points in the by-laws and policy statements and issue covering directives which shall become part of the by-laws or policy statements.

      B   The committee is charged with the enforcement of all rules of the Association.  It shall institute necessary disciplinary action required for any infraction of the rules or for disorderly conduct during the time of the Midyear Board of Directors meeting or during the dates of the Annual Tournament and the Annual Convention.

      C.  The committee shall receive and act upon appeals from disciplinary action taken by the Board of Directors of member leagues and Area Associations. In order to assist the committee in making decisions on these appeals, the Chairperson or another committee member appointed by the Chairperson may conduct a hearing in the city of origin.

      D.  The committee, on notification of a violation of Article IV, Section 5: rights of members shall conduct a relevant investigation and upon proof of the stated violation of a member or members shall cause the following action to be


           1.  A written notification shall be sent to the person or persons that an indefinite suspension has been set forth and specifically state the cause of action.

           2.  Notification of the action shall be filed with the Area Association and/or the league Secretary.

           3.  Submit a report of all findings to the Board of Directors.  Reinstatement of membership in all cases where a suspension is imposed shall be available only upon written application to and approved by the rules interpretation and enforcement committee.

      E.  Procedural Requirements for Protests--Appeals.  ABBA will not entertain procedural protests--appeals, prior to the conclusion of the appeals process at the local level.  Except where local procedures were not followed or the appeals procedures do not provide for a fair resolution of local disputes.

      Protests--appeals must be submitted in written form and sent to the Chairperson of the Rules Interpretation and Enforcement Committee.  The appellant shall have a deadline of 30 days for the submittal of a protest--appeal from a decision on a local level.  The appellant must describe in detail all the responses and included must be an explanation of the reasons for the appeal of the decision.

      F. Disciplinary Procedure:  Whenever a suspension or expulsion of a member is to be considered, after the Chairperson of the Rules Interpretation and Enforcement Committee conducts a preliminary investigation and determines that the charges warrant a hearing, the Chairperson of the Committee shall call a meeting of the committee giving at least thirty (30) days’ notice in writing.  Set forth in definite form in this notice will be the time, place, and purpose for holding the meeting.  The complainants and defendants shall be requested to appear at the meeting and also any other ABBA members whose testimony may be appropriate.  Each person must be sent a notification.  This notification must be sent by certified mail with return receipt requested.  This notice is to be mailed thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.  The date when the receipt is signed showing being received will be the first day of the thirty (30) day period.  Mailing to the last known address will be considered to be sufficient notice.

      All hearings will be in executive session.  The Chairperson must supply verification that the accused were sent a copy of the charges.  If the accused fails to appear at the hearing at the designated time and place, the hearing will proceed without the accused present.  The defendant must be informed of specific charges and have the right to be represented by counsel and to produce witnesses to testify in their behalf.  Counsel must be a current member of ABBA in good standing.  A majority of the Rules Interpretation and Enforcement Committee shall be in attendance at the hearing meeting.  Complete minutes must be taken, and the names of those present must be recorded.  All hearings shall be on recorded tape.  Unless the total membership of the Committee is present at the hearing, no decision will be made until all Committee members have the opportunity to review the tapes and reach a decision.  At least three of the five members of the Rules Interpretation and Enforcement Committee must vote in the affirmative in order for any disciplinary action to be implemented.

      At the conclusion of the hearing the following shall be made known to all parties:

    1. The decision of the committee, unless it is being withheld pending the gathering of additional facts.

    2. A complete report will be filed with the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer and reported to the ABBA Board of Directors at the next meeting of the committee’s decision.

   3. The status of each defendant is unchanged until the Chairperson of the committee notifies each defendant by certified mail, of the final decision.

   4. The defendant may appeal the decision of the committee by filing a notification of appeal containing the objections.  It must be sent electronically or postmarked within thirty (30) days after being notified of the decision.  The appeal of the committee’s decision shall be sent to the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer who will read the statement at the next ABBA Board of Directors meeting following the complete report of the Rules Interpretation and Enforcement Committee in which the decision of the committee was reported.

      The ABBA Secretary-Treasurer shall have copies, certified mail receipts, specific charges, and the decision made by the committee.

      G.  The decision of the committee shall be final on all disciplinary actions unless modified by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.



      This committee consists of the Past Presidents of the Association.  The immediate Past President upon consent shall serve as Chairperson.

      The committee shall advise other committees, officers and the Board of Directors and may make recommendations to promote the purposes and activities of the Association.. 


      This committee shall consist of a Chairperson, the “Blind Bowler” editor, and three members appointed by the President.  The committee shall be responsible for planning and implementing all publicity for the Association, editing and publishing a newsletter three times a year to ABBA members, promote blind bowling in general and plan and organize youth bowling activities. Additional information or newsletters may be published electronically without additional cost to ABBA.


      This committee shall consist of the 1st Vice-President as Chairperson and four appointed members. The committee’s duties shall be:

      A.  To review or cause to be reviewed annually the financial records of the Secretary-Treasurer and the Tournament Director prior to November 1st.

     B. After consideration of budgets presented by the Secretary-Treasurer

and by the Tournament Director, the Finance Committee shall submit a proposed annual budget for the subsequent fiscal year for the General Fund and for the Tournament Fund at the Board of Directors meeting held in conjunction with the National Tournament. However, this budget is subject to amendment by majority vote at a subsequent meeting of the Board of Directors.

CC. (May 2022) Finance committee before signing, will approve all contracts.


      This committee shall consist of the 2nd Vice-President as Chairperson and four appointed members. The committee’s duties shall be to receive and study all communications regarding changes in the by-laws and to present all proposed amendments to the Board of Directors with or without recommendations.


    All standing committees must file a written report with the Secretary-Treasurer prior to the annual convention of the Association.


      No member of the ABBA, except the President, Tournament Director and the Secretary-Treasurer, may serve on more than one standing committee concurrently.  The Past Presidents Committee shall not be counted in applying the restriction set forth in this section unless otherwise specifically stated. All committee appointments shall be for one year beginning August 1, except as set forth elsewhere in these by-laws.  Any person on or presiding over any ABBA standing or special committee must be a current member of ABBA.




    Applications for reimbursement of expenses or for payment of bills must be accompanied by a voucher.  Such vouchers may be obtained from the office of the Secretary-Treasurer.  Except for the tournament fund, vouchers must be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer and approved by both the President (and 1st Vice-President) and the Secretary-Treasurer before disbursement may be made.  For the tournament fund, vouchers must be submitted to the Tournament Director and approved by both the President or Vice-President and the Tournament Director.


    The Secretary-Treasurer and the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer shall each be paid an annual stipend to be determined at the Midyear Board of Directors' meeting. In addition, the Rail Manager may be paid a stipend from the rail fund in the same manner. The stipends shall be effective August 1 of the following year.




         The annual convention of the Association shall be held during the annual ABBA championship tournament. The date for future annual conventions shall be set by vote at an annual convention. Notice of the annual convention should be circulated by the Secretary-Treasurer to the Secretary of each member league and Area Association sent electronically or postmarked no later than sixty (60) days prior to the scheduled opening date of the ABBA annual championship tournament.



      At least one Board of Directors meeting shall be held in the city in which the next annual tournament is to take place.  Additional meetings may be called by the President.


      The President may submit by mail to the members of the Board of Directors any questions requiring an urgent vote.  Each board member shall vote on these questions, in writing, sent electronically or postmarked no later than a pre-determined date set by the President.  The Secretary-Treasurer shall record such votes in the minutes of the Board of Directors and note that the vote was taken by mail ballot.


      The number of persons entitled to vote present at any meetings of the Association shall constitute a quorum to transact business.





      Any exceptions to the requirements listed below must be explicitly stated in these by-laws.

      A. All current members, legally blind or sighted, who belong to an official ABBA member league, will be eligible for ABBA sponsored awards. Those individuals or members of leagues not holding an official ABBA membership will only be eligible for ABBA sponsored awards in ABBA tournaments.

      B.  Awards must be earned during competition in official ABBA member leagues or certified tournaments with guide rails in place.

      C. The leagues or tournaments must comply with USBC rules 1 through 18, including the full foul line penalty.

      D.  Applications for awards must be submitted by the league Secretary, the league statistician or Tournament Director to the National Secretary-Treasurer sent electronically or postmarked within thirty (30) days of the date the award was earned. Any award applications sent electronically or postmarked after the thirty (30) day requirement will not be honored. This requirement shall not apply to the National Tournament.

      E.  Only one award per category will be awarded to an individual bowler for each ABBA member league and each ABBA tournament in which the qualifying games are bowled in the period from June 1 to May 31 of the following year. A bowler who qualifies for a silver or a bronze medal in an ABBA member league has the option of receiving the medal for the first qualifying game or for the highest qualifying game in the league.

      F.  The grace period defined in Article IV, Section 3, will be invoked for early season award winning efforts.

      G.  When a bowler bowls a score which qualifies for more than one award, the bowler must select the award desired.



      A.  Based on gold medal award applications, gold medals will be awarded for the highest game and highest series bowled in membership competition from June 1 to May 31 of the following year in six categories; namely, sighted man, sighted woman, partially sighted man (Ed Fitzpatrick medal), totally blind man (Wayne Keeney medal), partially sighted woman (Addy Butler medal) and totally blind woman (Angie Burmeister medal). For these gold medal awards applications must be submitted to the national Secretary-Treasurer, sent electronically or postmarked within thirty (30) days after completion of the league’s bowling schedule or tournament and before June 15th.  Should a bowler win more than one gold medal in more than one category the bowler shall receive only one (1) gold medal with both scores engraved on it.



      B.  A silver medal will be awarded to a bowler obtaining the following scores in regular member league or tournament competition in the period from June 1 to May 31 of the following year:

Sighted Man 260 and above

Sighted Woman 230 and above

Partially Sighted Man 225 and above

Totally Blind Man 175 and above

Partially Sighted Woman 195 and above

Totally Blind Woman 155 and above


C. A bronze medal will be awarded to a bowler obtaining the following scores in regular member league or tournament competition in the period from June 1 to May 31 of the following year: 


Sighted Man 250 to 259

Sighted Woman 220 to 229

Partially Sighted Man 215 to 224

Totally Blind Man 165 to 174

Partially Sighted Woman 185 to 194

Totally Blind Woman 145 to 154.



      Trophies or cash and gold medals shall be presented to the members of the first -place team in the ABBA masters tournament, and to the scratch champions in the four-member team and doubles events in the ABBA national championship tournament. Trophies or cash and gold medals shall be presented to the bowlers with the highest scratch total scores in singles and in all events in the ABBA national championship tournament in each of the following categories:  sighted men, sighted women, partially sighted men, partially sighted women, totally blind men and totally blind women.  These gold medals shall differ in style from those in Article X, Section 1.



      A.  A member who bowls a game at least 75 pins above average shall be eligible to receive a 75-Pins above Average Chevron.

      B.  A member who has an average of 85 pins or less and who bowls a game at least 60 pins above average shall be eligible to receive a Plus-60 pin.

      C. A member who bowls a game at least 100 pins above average shall be eligible to receive a 100 Pins Above Average award.

      In member leagues, for these three awards the bowler’s highest previous season’s member league average based on a minimum of 21 games shall apply until the bowler competes in 21 games in a member league in the current season. After the bowler competes in 21 games in the current season in the league in which the award is earned, the current average in that league shall apply. A bowler who has not met the 21 game requirement is not eligible for pins above average awards.

      In ABBA tournaments, for these three awards the bowler’s average used for entering the tournament shall apply.



      Any legally blind or sighted member bowling in any ABBA member league or tournament who has identical scores for three consecutive games bowled on the same date will qualify for a “Triplicate” chevron.



      An award shall be granted to any legally blind or sighted member of ABBA who converts any of the following spares in membership competition:

4-6;   4-6-7;   4-6-7-10;   4-6-10;   7-9;   8-10;   7-8-10;   7-9-10;   or 7-10


      The ABBA shall award a “Most Improved Bowler” chevron annually to each member league.  This award shall be presented to the legally blind bowler who competes in at least two-thirds of the scheduled games and who improved in average in the same league for the immediate preceding season based on a minimum of thirty (30) games.  A bowler who did not compete in the same league in the preceding season shall use the highest previous season’s ABBA member league average based on a minimum of 30 games.  Other bowlers are not eligible for this award.




      All proposed amendments to these by-laws must be submitted to the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer, as well as a copy sent directly to the Chairperson of the Legislative Committee, sent electronically or postmarked no later than March 1.  The Legislative Committee must present all proposed amendments and their recommendations to the Board of Directors, and request its recommendations become motions to the annual convention immediately following their submission.


      Notice of proposed amendments should be circulated by the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer to the Secretary of each member league and Area Association sent electronically or postmarked no later than thirty (30) days prior to the next annual convention. If the notice of proposed amendments is not sent within the prescribed required time limit, the convention assembled may act on any proposals as long as a four-fifths (4/5) affirmative vote is received from



directors and delegates authorized to vote.



      In order to change any provision of the by-laws, an affirmative vote is required by a majority of the persons present and voting at the annual convention of the Association.  Except for amendments with specific dates, amendments shall become effective on the First Day of August following adoption.





      “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall govern the proceedings at all meetings of the Association and Board of Directors when not inconsistent with the rules of order or by-laws of the Association.  The President shall appoint a parliamentarian to serve at all Association board and annual meetings prior to the start of each meeting.



      The regular order of business for the annual convention of the Association shall be as follows:

               1.         Call to order

              2.         Approval of the minutes of the previous convention

              3.         Officer’s reports

              4.           Reports of standing committees

                          a.   Nominating Committee

                          b.   National Tournament Committee

                          c.   Rules Interpretation and Enforcement Committee

                          d.   Past Presidents Committee

                          e.   Public Relations Committee

                          f.               Finance Committee

                          g.   Legislative Committee

             5.          Reports of special committees

             6.          Unfinished business

             7.          Election of officers

             8.          Selection of future tournament site

             9.          New business

             10.        Adjournment



    The agenda for meetings of the Board of Directors shall be determined by the President upon consultation with the elected officers.



“In the event that the Association is abolished, all assets will be held in trust for a period of five (5) years beginning the date of the official abolishment, in hopes the organization will be re-established.  After five (5) years, if the Association is not re-established all assets will be proportionately divided among the Area Associations that were recognized by ABBA on the official date of abolishment.








A tournament is defined as a competition opened to bowlers from two or more leagues. A tournament must be certified for participants to qualify for ABBA awards. All bowlers competing in an ABBA tournament must be current members of ABBA. Tournament membership applications must be obtained from the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer. Applications must be sent to the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer along with a copy of the tournament entry form and rules, sent electronically or postmarked no later than thirty (30) days prior to the opening date of the tournament.


The tournament entry fee must be divided into three (3) parts: prize fee, bowling line fee, and tournament expense fee. The entire prize fee of 100% must be returned to the bowlers to award the winners. The ratio of prizewinners to entries must appear in the tournament rules. USBC Rules 1 through 18 shall apply to all ABBA member tournaments.  ABBA tournament membership will not be granted to any organization that allows those to participate in the tournament that have been suspended from or refused membership in ABBA. Any ABBA tournament official or participant who knowingly permits a bowler to compete in a tournament who has been suspended from or refused membership in ABBA is liable for suspension from membership in the Association. This amendment shall become effective June 1, 1990.


The tournament manager must send to the ABBA Secretary-Treasurer a list of prize winners and a financial report, sent electronically, or postmarked no later than forty- five (45) days after the completion of the tournament. The ABBA Secretary-Treasurer shall deny membership to any tournament that does not comply with the ABBA by-laws.


Except for the ABBA Mail-O-Graph Tournament and one Mail-O-Graph Tournament annually sponsored by each of the ABBA Area Associations, Mail-O-Graph and Telephonic Tournaments will not be certified by ABBA.




      Reassign the responsibilities to the ABBA Tournament Director for ABBA’s involvement in area association tournaments. Remove “This Amendment shall become effective June.1, 1990.


New Language:






A tournament is defined as a competition opened to bowlers from two or more leagues. A tournament must be certified for participants to qualify for ABBA awards.   All bowlers competing in an ABBA tournament must be current members of ABBA. Tournament membership applications must be obtained from the ABBA Tournament Director. Applications must be sent to the ABBA Tournament Director along with a copy of the tournament entry form and rules, sent electronically or postmarked no later than thirty (30) days prior to the opening date of the tournament.


The tournament entry fee must be divided into three (3) parts: prize fee, bowling line fee, and tournament expense fee. The entire prize fee of 100% must be returned to the bowlers to award the winners. The ratio of prizewinners to entries must appear in the tournament rules. USBC Rules 1 through 18 shall apply to all ABBA member tournaments. ABBA tournament membership will not be granted to any organization that allows those to participate in the tournament that have been suspended from or refused membership in ABBA. Any ABBA tournament official or participant who  knowingly permits a bowler to compete in the tournament who has been suspended from or refused membership in ABBA is liable for suspension from membership in the Association.


The tournament manager must send to the ABBA Tournament Director a list of prizewinners and a financial report, sent electronically, or postmarked no later than forty-five (45) days after the completion of the tournament. The ABBA Tournament Director shall send a copy of the financial report to the ABBA Secretary/Treasurer to be kept in the ABBA files. The ABBA Tournament Director shall deny membership to any tournament that does not comply with the ABBA by- laws. Except for the ABBA Mail-O-Graph Tournament and one Mail-O-Graph Tournament annually sponsored by each of the ABBA Area Associations, Mail-O-Graph and Telephonic Tournaments will not be certified by ABBA.








This committee consists of the Past Presidents of the Association. The immediate Past President upon consent shall serve as Chairperson.

The committee shall advise other committees, officers and the Board of Directors and may make recommendations to promote the purposes and activities of the Association.  




Remove this Committee from the By-Laws.





No member of the ABBA, except the President, Tournament Director, and the Secretary-Treasurer, may serve on more than one standing committee concurrently. The Past Presidents Committee shall not be counted in applying the restriction set forth in this section unless otherwise specifically stated. All committee appointments shall be for one year beginning August 1, except as set forth elsewhere in these by-laws. Any person on or presiding over any ABBA standing or special committee must be a current member of ABBA.




From one to two






No member of the ABBA, except the President, Tournament Director and the Secretary-Treasurer, may serve on more than two standing committees concurrently. The Past Presidents Committee shall not be counted in applying the restriction set forth in this section unless otherwise specifically stated. All committee appointments shall be for one year beginning August 1, except as set forth elsewhere in these by-laws. Any person on or presiding over any ABBA standing or special committee must be a current member of the ABBA.






The officers of the Association shall be elected by majority vote at the annual convention of the Association. The term of office for the President shall be two years beginning August 1. No individual may hold the office of President for more than one consecutive term. The term of office for the Vice-Presidents shall be two years beginning August 1. The term of office for the Secretary-Treasurer and Tournament Director shall be three years beginning August 1.




All Officers are elected to two-year terms.

All Officers excluding the Tournament Director are limited to two consecutive terms.




The officers of the Association shall be elected by majority vote at the annual convention of the American Blind Bowling Association. The term of office for all officers is two (2) years. The President, First Vice- President, Second Vice-President and Secretary- Treasurer may serve a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms. The Tournament Directors terms are not limited. All terms begin August 1, following their election.









Current Language:


The officers of this Association shall be President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary- Treasurer and Tournament Director. These officers, associate members and life members together with one representative from each member league and Area Association and as many additional persons as  may be determined by the delegates at the annual convention shall be known as the Board of Directors.




Eliminate the Office of Secretary/Treasurer and the position of Assistant Secretary.


Create the Office of Secretary and Create the                   

Office of Treasurer


Remove all references to the Secretary/Treasurer and Assistant Secretary in the by-laws and policy statements. Assign all references to the Secretary/Treasurer to the appropriate position.


Proposed Language:


The officers of this Association shall be President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Tournament Director.

These officers, associate members and life members together with one representative from each member league and Area Association and as many additional persons as may be determined by the delegates at the annual convention shall be

known as the Board of Directors.










The fiscal year shall begin August 1 and end July 31 of the succeeding year.


The Treasurer shall:


  1. Receive any and all monies and other property paid or donated to the Association except where otherwise stated in the by-laws.

  2. Keep a correct account of all receipts and disbursements and publish an annual report to the Association.

  3. Deposit all monies received by the Association in individually titled accounts in a National bank or banks to the credit of, and in the name of, the ABBA.

  4. Draw all warrants for the payments of bills allowed by the Board of Directors. The signature of the Treasurer together with the signature of the President or 1st Vice-President shall be required for the withdrawal of all funds belonging to the Association with the exception of the Tournament Fund.

  5. Based on guidelines established by the Finance Committee, authorize the payment of bills of a general nature.

  6. Provide guidance to league and association officials regarding financial matters associated with their relationship with ABBA.

  7. File the annual incorporation document and fee with the State of Delaware, annual report form 990 with the Internal Revenue Service and fulfill any other requirements stipulated by government entities.

  8. Provide any information with regard to the association’s finances requested by the Finance Committee or the President.

  9. Perform any other duties consistent with the office of Treasurer requested by the Board of Directors or the President.

J.     The Treasurer shall not be compensated at the end of his/her term until all the accounts are closed and transferred to the newly elected/incoming Treasurer. In order to receive his/her last full stipend, all assets must be turned over to the new/incoming Treasurer within thirty (30) days. Should this transition not occur in the specified time allotted an amount of stipend reduction will be determined by the RIEC. The last stipend must be issued and signed by the new/incoming Treasurer and the President






The Secretary shall:


  1. Keep a true record of all proceedings at the meetings of the Association and Board of Directors.

  2. Maintain a membership roster and such other records as may be determined by the Board of Directors or President.

  3. Conduct correspondence of the Association, including sending to leagues and Area Association, notice of meetings and minutes of the Board of Directors and the annual convention.

  4. Conduct the ABBA awards program.

  5. File statistical reports received from league secretaries and local tournament officials.

  6. Annually compile, publish, and distribute a book containing the averages of ABBA members who competed in twenty-one (21) or more league games during the preceding bowling season.

  7. Annually compile, publish, and distribute, to all leagues, Area Associations, Life Members that are active in blind bowling, Associate members, ABBA Officers and Committee Chairs a complete and current copy of the By-laws and Adopted Policy Statements. These shall be sent within ninety (90) days following the Annual Convention. Supplemental print or Braille copies will be sent on written request.

  8. The Secretary shall not be compensated at the end of his/her term until all relevant materials consistent with the office of ABBA Secretary including but not limited to: files, average books, awards, minutes, membership records, statistical reports, a current copy of the By-laws and Adopted Policy Statements and anything else the board deems pertinent to the duties of the Secretary. In order to receive his/her last stipend, all the afore mentioned must be turned over to the new/incoming Secretary within thirty (30) days. Should this transition not occur in the specified time allotted an amount of stipend reduction will be determined by the RIEC. The last stipend must be issued and signed by the new/incoming Secretary and the President.






T-4 Travel Expenses


Current Language:


All active Past Presidents and the following committee members will include: Finance Committee, Rules Interpretation & Enforcement Committee, Legislative Committee, Public Relations Committee and National Tournament Committee will receive compensation for the annual autumn meeting. All committee chairs and committee members who attend their committee meeting at the midyear meeting shall receive a flat rate of $200.


The National Tournament Committee chairperson, 2nd Vice-President. 1st Vice-President and President will each receive $200 and up to three nights compensated room. The National Secretary-Treasurer and National Tournament Director will each receive 100% compensation. The National Tournament Committee chairman and the appointed members are to be compensated out of the Tournament Committee budget.

The ABBA Secretary-Treasurer and the Tournament Director are to be compensated for full allowable travel expenses plus $200, and the Assistant Secretary is to be paid full allowable travel expense plus $150 attending the ABBA National tournament and annual convention.





The intention here is to balance the compensation for the various officials of the organization when traveling for the Mid-year meeting and the National Tournament and Convention.  I realize although the proposed new language for T-4 is structurally somewhat different than the current language I believe the new language offers along with some substantive changes a straightforward description of the compensation for each position.



New Language:  


A.  Midyear Board Meeting.


Members of the Finance Committee, Rules Interpretation & Enforcement Committee, Legislative Committee, and Public Relations Committee and the Officers shall receive compensation from the general fund in the amount of $300 for their attendance of the midyear meeting.  Additionally the Officers excluding the Tournament Director shall receive a compensated room for up to three nights of the midyear meeting.  The National Tournament Committee the Tournament Director and the Tournament Director’s Assistants shall receive from the Tournament fund compensation in the amount of $300 for their attendance of the midyear meeting.  The Tournament director, the rail assistant to the Tournament Director and the chairman of the tournament Committee shall receive a compensated room for the three nights of the midyear meeting.  


In order to be eligible for the compensation listed above members must attend their respective committee meetings and be present at the Board of Directors meeting.


B.  National Tournament and Annual Convention:


From the general fund, the President shall receive up to five nights in a compensated suite. The officers excluding the Tournament Director shall receive up to five nights in a compensated room.


From the Tournament fund, the Tournament Director, the Tournament Director’s assistants and the Tournament Committee Chairperson shall receive up to five nights in a compensated room.

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